Windows 11 Lite Xtreme ‘Outbreak’ v22H2 build 22621.1631- By Phrankie
Tải xuống Windows 11 Lite Xtreme ‘Outbreak’ v22H2 build 22621.1631- By Phrankie là bản dựng Windows 11 v22H2 build 22621.1631 được tuỳ biến giao diện và tôi ưu hoá cho máy cấu hình thấp.
Windows 11 Lite Xtreme ‘Outbreak’ v22H2 build 22621.1631- By Phrankie
General Information
OS build : 22621.1631
Edition : Windows Lite Xtreme ‘Outbreak’/Pro
Version : 22H2
Arch : x64amd
Lang : en-US
Author: Phrankie11
Compression: ESD
ISO Size: 2.53gb
Installed Size: 4gb
System Requirements
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
RAM: 2GB or Higher
Hard Disk: Atleast 6gb or Higher
Processor: 2-4 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with 2 cores or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor
Build Notes
– All UWP Apps except Defender, Edge, OneDrive
Hibernation, Page File, Reserve Storage etc..
Updates paused until 12-30-2099
Full Featured and Updatable Build
Bypassed Force Microsoft Account Creation
Bypassed TPM, RAM, Secure Boot, Storage, CPU Check
I recommend after first boot enable the Pagefile to avoid program crashing and application error
Net Framework 3.5 is not installed as default but you can install it manually in setting, apps, optional features
How To Set Page File?
Go to extras folder and run as admin the file named “Auto Set Pagefile” after that restart PC to apply changes
How To Install MS Store Or How To Enable Windows update?
Go to extras folder and open windows update blocker folder and run, after that from ENABLE set it to DISABLE and from DISABLE set it back to ENABLE
Demo video :
Download Windows 11 Lite Xtreme ‘Outbreak’ v22H2 build 22621.1631- By Phrankie
Dung lượng file ISO là 2.5GB
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