CosmosOS – Windows 10 Pro Lite v22H2 build 19045.3633 (x64)
Tải xuống CosmosOS – Windows 10 Pro Lite v22H2 build 19045.3633 (x64) là bản dựng Windows 10 Lite được tùy biến giao diện và tối ưu hóa các thành phần Windows giúp hoạt động tốt trên máy cấu hình thấp hoặc chơi game.
Version: Windows 10 Pro
OS build: 19045.3633
Arch: x64
Compression: esd
Language: English Language (during installation)
File Size: 3,4GB
Author: Jerry_Xristos & PasMater
Treatment: ActivatedThis buildCosmosOS is made by @Jerry_Xristos and the final touch was given from Sir @PasMater (the one and only)
Its really Super fast………it will be installed in a few minutes and will give life even into your old PC or Laptop
I want to thank @Mr. Spacely for giving me the idea with one of his images, he knows……….
OS build: 19045.3633
Arch: x64
Compression: esd
Language: English Language (during installation)
File Size: 3,4GB
Author: Jerry_Xristos & PasMater
Treatment: ActivatedThis buildCosmosOS is made by @Jerry_Xristos and the final touch was given from Sir @PasMater (the one and only)
Its really Super fast………it will be installed in a few minutes and will give life even into your old PC or Laptop
I want to thank @Mr. Spacely for giving me the idea with one of his images, he knows……….
💎Removed features💎
Windows bloatware Apps
Microsoft Edge (you can install it again from Add-ons at Desktop)
One Drive
One Drive
Automatic Maintenance, Error Reporting, BitLocker, UAC, Ads, Superfetch, Smart screen,
Notifications, Telemetry, Hibernation, Power Throttling, Widgets, Windows defender and much more….
Game mode is ON
Notifications, Telemetry, Hibernation, Power Throttling, Widgets, Windows defender and much more….
Game mode is ON
💎Build Informations💎
Only clean installation with this build
Microsoft accound bypassed
Power Plan set to High Perfrmance
Languages are working
Tweaks applied
Custom cursors, Themes and Wallpapers
Microsoft Store is here (automatic updates are disabled)
Windows Updates are working
Windows Defender is disabled (just enable the service)
Inside Add-ons you will find a list of browsers to install
Some services are disabled, so if something is not working enable it from services
Microsoft accound bypassed
Power Plan set to High Perfrmance
Languages are working
Tweaks applied
Custom cursors, Themes and Wallpapers
Microsoft Store is here (automatic updates are disabled)
Windows Updates are working
Windows Defender is disabled (just enable the service)
Inside Add-ons you will find a list of browsers to install
Some services are disabled, so if something is not working enable it from services
StartBack AiO 1.0.83
WinaeroTweaker v.1.55
Note++ 8.5.8
Chocolatey Software (Modern Software Automation)
StartBack AiO 1.0.83
WinaeroTweaker v.1.55
Note++ 8.5.8
Chocolatey Software (Modern Software Automation)
Download CosmosOS – Windows 10 Pro Lite v22H2 build 19045.3633 (x64)
File size : 3.4GB
[link u=”https://qiwi.gg/file/9Fvs5918-CosmosOS” t=”Link Qiwi”]
[link u=”https://teraboxapp.com/s/1yzQdeEh3qZ6KmdctVJ4N3g” t=”Link Terabox”]
[link u=”https://18g8mt-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/minhpc_18g8mt_onmicrosoft_com/EZviZY1owvFGlkq6jvJyWz4BbxAecORopcAVcSz0xIJA1g?e=PUuNFw” t=”Link OneDrive”]